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Raymon Mikhail


Raymon Mikhail PT PhD is a registered physiotherapist and the founder of CN Physiotherapy. He began pursuing physiotherapy at Cairo university first obtaining his BSc in physical therapy and then his master’s degree. From there he pursued his PhD, studying neuro-regeneration in infants and how physical therapy can be utilized to improve their outcome. His completion and subsequent departure from academia marked 8 years on the tenure track at Cairo university. From there, he gained physiotherapy certifications in the UK, USA and finally settled in Canada’s capital, Ottawa. He has now been practicing in Canada since 2013. His years of education and experience have made him proficient in many different physical therapy treatments including, dry-needling, acupuncture, McKenzie MDT Therapy, and shockwave therapy. Involving patients in their treatment is one of his foremost goals, providing education and tips on how to recover and prevent injury in the future. Using his expertise to keep the people of Ottawa healthy is his top priority. When not in the clinic Raymon enjoys spending time with his family and playing classical piano.